Meaning of SatyaRam

Meaning of SatyaRam

SatyaRam is not just only a word, but SatyaRam is the divine Mantra(spell) of receiving the divine grace of GOD. SatyaRam is a combination of two words – SATYA(truth) & RAM(Lord Shri Rama). Here Satya symbolizes Lord Shiva in the form of that divine power, not even a leaf moves without his desiring. By the grace of that divine power even Death takes to change his route. Lord Shiva in itself is the whole universe. Lord Shiva is the ultimate truth. When that ultimate truth in the form of supreme element awakens within us in the form of MASTER then it gives us the ultimate knowledge & wisdom. An absolute knowledge on the basis of that the whole universe is built and operating. Here RAM symbolizes the base power of the world – RUM(‘रं’) which dwells in the Anahat(heart) of Lord Shiva. Such divine powerful fire which creates life, conducts life, and provides our life a path to salvation and in the end makes us one with the Anahat(heart) of Lord Shiva. That RAM dwells in the Anahat(heart) of Lord Shiva in the form of WORD-VIBRATION. RUM(‘रं’) has always been the foundation base of divine knowledge & science. RUM(‘रं’) power resides only in the Anahat(heart) of OM(‘ॐ’). Therefore, it is most necessary that the Anahat(heart) of OM(‘ॐ’) is awakened first. Only by RAM word-vibration we may become one with the Anahat(heart) of OM(‘ॐ’).


By the truth thought of LIKE SPIRIT LIKEWISE SCENE We can understand the meaning of SatyaRam better. For a devotee SatyaRam is devotion. For a volunteer SatyaRam is service. For a disciple SatyaRam is the name of his MASTER, the name of his LORD, the wish of his MASTER, the wish of his LORD, the order of his MASTER, the order of his LORD, SatyaRam is divine Mantra(spell), divine herb, & divine grace. That is to say LIKE SPIRIT LIKEWISE SCENE. Here when SATYA & RAM are combined then the original meaning of SatyaRam is – Always happy with TRUELOVE in our life by receiving the grace of the divine power which habitats in the Anahat(heart) of Lord Shiva and in the end received the divine salvation by MASTER’S GRACE and become one with the Anahat(heart) and every particle of the universe. By the grace of our MASTER when we received the divine grace of RUM(‘रं’) which dwells in the Anahat(heart) of Lord Shiva then we have the knowledge that such power is the divine name of Lord Shiva’s MASTER & LORD, that is to say that “Shri Ram habitat in the Anahat(heart) of Shiva & Shiva habitat in the Anahat(heart) of Shri Ram”. Lord Shri Ram is the Lord & Master of Lord Shiva. That’s why we can receive the grace of divine power RUM(‘रं’) only when the Anahat(heart) of OM(‘ॐ’) is awakened. That divine grace in the form of SHIVRAM provides all the pleasures, removes all the sorrows. Now we just have to receive this grace and ‘Be happy with true love forever’ and always pray to our Master & Lord that other people are also ‘Happy with true love forever’. By receiving that divine grace & divine knowledge in the form of initiation from the Master we all have to receive the divine salvation and be one with the Anahat(heart) and every particle of the universe.
