
These nine gems are very precious.

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August 31, 2024

These nine gems are very precious.


Aushadhi Mani Mantranam, Graha-Nakshatra Taarika.

Bhagyakaale Bhavet Siddhih, Abhagyam Nisphalam Bhavet.

That is, medicine, gem and mantra cure the diseases caused by planets and stars. If the time is right, then auspicious
results are obtained, whereas in adverse times, all these become ineffective. In our astrology science, the gems of planets have the same importance as medicines have in modern medical science. Actually, the gems of planets increase the energy in our body by absorbing the divine rays coming from the planets in our body. They increase the auspicious results related to that planet. Therefore, the planets in your horoscope which are auspicious but weak, can be made strong by wearing their gems. This is also the reason that the gems of inauspicious planets are completely discarded.

Similarly, in many astrological texts, instructions have been given to donate gems and other things along with various related gems to appease the malefic planets like Sun etc. due to bad position in the horoscope of the person, while instructions have also been given to wear gems to get auspicious results. This sentence of “Jyotishatattva Sudhanava” also clearly says that when Suryaadi planet is inauspicious, then for their peace one should wear Ruby, Emerald, Coral, Topaz, Pearl, Diamond, Sapphire, Onyx, and Emerald (Lahsuniya) respectively:

Manikyaam Vigune Suryaye Vaiduryaam Shashlacchane.
Pravalam Bhoomiputre Cha Padmaragam Shashankje.
Guru Muktam Bhrigau Vrajam Indranilam Shanaishchare.
Raho Gomedkan Dharyam Ketau Marktam Tatha.

Similarly, Shri Kashyap Muni and Shripati also suggest wearing their respective gems to calm the wrath of inauspicious planets. Now the question arises that how should the gems of the nine planets be worn so that our sleeping luck wakes up again. Different astrologers have their own different theories in this regard. Some make us wear the gem of Bhagyesh, some make us wear the gem of the current condition. Some make us wear the gem of the lord of the birth moon sign, while some suggest wearing the gem according to the Sun’s side sign. Here we are suggesting you to wear the gems that awaken luck according to the age. For which we have divided the life span into 3 parts.

First part-

The first part in this is the period of primary and higher education. In this, people with different birth moon signs and ascendants should wear the gems as follows-

Ascendant/Zodiac sign and best gemstone

01. Aries – Ruby
02. Taurus – Emerald
03. Gemini – Diamond/Opal
04. Cancer – Coral
05. Leo – Topaz
06. Virgo – Blue Sapphire
07. Libra – Blue Sapphire
08. Scorpio – Topaz
09. Sagittarius – Coral
10. Capricorn – Diamond 11. Aquarius – Emerald
12. Pisces – Pearl

Second Part –

When there is an opportunity for competitive examination and career advancement thereafter, then the following gems should also be worn along with the above gems-


Ascendant/Zodiac Sign and Best Gemstones

Aries – Topaz

Taurus – Blue Sapphire
Gemini – Blue Sapphire
Cancer – Topaz

Leo – Coral
Libra – Emerald
Scorpio – Pearl
Sagittarius – Ruby

Capricorn – Emerald
Aquarius – Diamond
Pisces – Coral

Third Part –

In the third part of life, when our responsibilities start increasing, then the need for compatibility is felt
in almost all areas. In such a situation, the following gems should also be worn along with the above gems.

Lagna/Zodiac Sign and Best Gemstones

Aries – Coral

Taurus – Diamond/Opal

Gemini – Emerald

Cancer – Pearl

Leo – Ruby

Virgo – Emerald

Libra – Diamond/Opal

Scorpio – Coral

Sagittarius – Topaz

Capricorn – Blue Sapphire

Aquarius – Blue Sapphire

Pisces – Topaz

Rahu and Ketu are both planets that give unexpected results. Their gemstones can also be worn in their Dasha/Mahadasha. The gemstone of Rahu is Onyx and the gemstone of Ketu is Cat’s Eye. If Rahu and Ketu are in the Lagna, second, fifth, ninth, tenth or eleventh house and their Dasha is also going on, then by wearing these gemstones, unexpected auspicious results can be obtained and one can awaken one’s sleeping luck.

One important thing here is that gems should be worn only under the guidance of a qualified and experienced astrologer, otherwise they can have negative effects. The gems of planets should always be worn in the metals prescribed for them.

Gems of planets and best metals-

Ruby should be made in gold or copper, pearl in silver, coral in gold or copper, emerald in gold or tri-metal, topaz in
gold or silver, diamond in platinum and silver, blue sapphire in tri-metal, panchdhatu and ashtadhatu, onyx in panchdhatu or ashtadhatu and cat’s eye should also be made in panchdhatu or ashtadhatu.

Gems and finger-

Ruby, pearl, coral should be worn in ring finger, emerald in little finger, topaz in index finger. Whereas diamond, sapphire, onyx, cat’s eye should be worn in the middle finger. Only then the gems give the right effect.

Weight of gems-

Usually gems are worn in savaai units. Like- 7 and a quarter ratti, 5 and a quarter ratti etc.

The religious belief behind this is that there is an increase in the weight of savaai. Similarly, gems of paunna weight are not worn. The belief behind this is that paunna is a symbol of less. Keep in mind that savaai means 0.10 to 0.40. Similarly paunna means 0.7 to 0.9. Thus a gem of 5.1 to 5.4 ratti is considered to be 5.25 ratti.

-Astrologer Richa Shrivastava

2 thoughts on “These nine gems are very precious.

  1. Excellent information respected mam. Thanks for this very useful information 🙏

  2. Very nice presentation, thanks a lot 🙏🌺

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